The Quietest Rebel

A woman constantly thinking about sustainable industry, politics, music, biology, movies, industrial design, AIDS/HIV orphans in Uganda, ousting the current administration, loving the little children, civil liberties and local agriculture. Also obsessed with the evil that results from carelessly spread cases of naturalistic fallacy (see Hubert Spencer).

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Ann Coulter as Performance Art

I had a heartening thought last week while watching a video of Coulter being interviewed on the Today Show. Tom said, "She only says all that crazy crap to draw attention to herself and her books to make more money." A light bulb went off and I thought, "What if Coulter is actually just an insanely genius artist?"

Think about it. What if she simply co-opted the rhetoric of the right to create this insane character in a grand, long term stunt to illustrate how extreme, how ridiculous her statements can be, how vicious and vile her venom can become still have today's media and audiences judge it worthy of attention? That would make her an incredibly hilarious and absurdly insightful artist worthy of my admiration and awe.

The fact that she's a silver spoon CT kid and her uptight New England manner were the driving force behind that revelation. More motivational was my tendancy to want to find a way not to HATE the more disgusting members of our society - the need to find some tiny, miniscule way to feel empathy with that demon bitch.

Alas, probably not the case. No matter how cool it would be and no matter how much I wish it were true, Ann Coulter's stupidity is probably not pretend. She believes the crap she says. This also means that I am just another pawn helping her make a few more bucks by spreading her cheap, scandal-heavy message (no worries - no actually knows this blog exists much less reads it).

And now I'm a pawn to Henry Rollins too:


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